At the exhibit I curated for the Renegade Artist’s Collective entitled Traditions and Transformations. March, 2023. Photo by Nonney Oddlokken.
Pictured is a small group of the Renegade Artist’s Collective at the preview night for our March 2023 exhibit. Pictured from left to right: Audra Kohout, Kim Bernadas, Saskia Ozols, Erin Lee Antonak, Cheryl Anne Grace, and Mary Jane Parker.
Traditions and Transformations:
New Work by Members of the Renegade Artist’s Collective
The work in this exhibition communicates a unique relationship with process that incorporates diverse traditions in visual communication as well as transformation of those processes. The dialogue that develops allows opportunity to embrace an ever-evolving visual language as well as an appreciation for the moments that connect and nurture that evolution.
As we move through winter toward spring, from darkness to light, from pandemic toxicity toward healing, and each from our own complex relationship with history and tradition into the future; investigating moments of transformation have the potential to offer periods of rest and contemplation.
Each exhibiting artist articulates form in such a way that transcends the material identity of incorporated objects such as pigment, paper, canvas, or clay into something completely new. The relationship between these transformations and the narrative communicated by each artist beckons investigation and celebration.
Everything passes, only truth remains. -Dosteovsky, The Brothers Karamazov