On Varnishing Pictures

Time to prepare to varnish (clean and vacuum every piece of dust/dog hair that might be inclined to float/settle on a painting; move everything off

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Wilted, Saskia Ozols. 5″ x 7″ Oil on Panel, 2024. This painting is part of an in progress series I am creating on the theme

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Spider Lillies

Spider Lillies, Saskia Ozols. Oil on Panel, 10″ x 10″ 2024 This painting of spider lillies is part of an in progress series of contemporary

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Vanitas I: Rights of Spring

Vanitas I: Rights of Spring, Saskia Ozols. Oil on Panel, 24″ x 12″ 2024. This group of Vanitas paintings explore the relationship between the material and the

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Summer Studio clear out! Making room to make new artwork….Available paintings include demonstrations from life for the Fine Arts Preservation Society of New Orleans and

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The Storm (Survivor)

Saskia Ozols. The Storm ( Survivor) Oil on Canvas with Conte, Ink, and Graphite. 48 x 60″ 2017-2019. Collection of the Artist This painting is

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Publication: “Beyond the Path of the Peredvishniki: An Examination of Realist Painting Techniques between Ilya Repin, Thomas Eakins, and John Singer Sargent. An investigation into similarities of manner, means, and method that places Russian Realist Painting in Direct Action with Criteria for technique and theory that structure American Realist Painting.” (Saskia Ozols)

In 2018 I spoke at the London Center for Interdisciplinary Research. My paper was accepted for presentation and publication. “Beyond the Path of the Peredvishniki:

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Curating an Exhibition in Moscow

While living in Moscow, I curated an exhibition entitled: Persephone’s Garden, Images Inspired by Femininity and Its Transformative Creative Power.  March, 2015, Moscow, Russia. For

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Writing About Art

Taking notes on an exhibition for the French Quarter Journal. Summer 2023 I love visiting exhibitions, writing about art, and sharing ideas as much as

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This painting of found feathers explores relationships of color, texture, and form with symbolism.

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The Survivor

This painting, Survivor, was part of a series of paintings I did about passages in 2017. Passage between place, situation and environment. It is a

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Art as Life

For me the act of living is inextricably tied to the act of painting. Art is life. If we seek out truth and beauty to

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Between Seasons

This painting represents the movement between seasons through the representation of the last blossoms of one tree with the ripening fruit of another.

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New Growth After a Storm

This painting is arranged from the new growth that appeared after a difficult storm. Hurricane Ida tore through my garden while I watched, removing every

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Breaking Free

Breaking Free was part of a series of paintings entitled Metamorphoses which I exhibited in 2009. The work explored the process of change and the

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The Oil Sketch

The oil sketch is a vital step of the painting process for me. Each large multi-figure composition I create is prepared as a result of

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Ars Longa, Vitae Brevis by artist Saskia Ozols

Father’s Day

Ars Longa, Vitae Brevis . Art is long, life is short, a lesson from my father and also title of this painting. I will forever

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Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal…(Schopenhauer) I painted this Oil sketch of Stonehenge during Midsummer 1999, en plein air, while seated on the cool grass

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