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Conflict and Resolution (Jacob and Esau)

Conflict and Resolution, Saskia Ozols. 60 x 60 ” Oil and mixed media on canvas. Available. please email saskia@saskiaozols,com for details

This painting is from a series entitled Binate which I exhibited in 2013. It was inspired by the idea of binate entities and their relationship with one another. I took inspiration from stories including Romulus and Remus, Jacob and Esau, and Gilgamesh. This work suggests the struggle we encounter as we balance choices and navigate the path toward survival or destruction.

This the only remaining piece from the series. Half way through the series and exhibition preparation I became pregnant with twins and switched from traditional oil on canvas to home-made organic media, utilizing non-toxic yet staining materials such as beet juice, black tea, red wine and turmeric for underpaintings. With Conflict and Resolution I added passages of oil paint in select areas at a later time.

Finishing Paintings for my 2013 exhibition Binate, with the twins.